About Us
We believe that estate planning can be the foundation for a strong family. Whether it’s an estate plan that leaves your family better prepared for a death in the family…. Prevents creditors from taking assets away from your loved ones…. Or keeps your family out of probate court…. An estate plan prepared by us will give you the peace of mind that comes with securing your family’s future.
When a loved one has passed away, we also represent trustees and personal representatives to ensure that final wishes and bequests are fulfilled properly and expediently. A trust or probate administration that runs smoothly will relieve a family from undo stress, cost and delay.
From creating the estate plan to completing the trust or probate administration, we cover the entire process for you and your family.

Our Blog

Be Prepared….
Many, many years ago, I was a Boy Scout. Over the years, the Scout’s motto “Be Prepared” has always stuck with me. When I’m working on a client’s estate plan, the motto “Be Prepared” invariably pops into my head. You see, an estate plan is all about being prepared. As...

No Estate Plan?
Take Matters into Your Own Hands.... According to a recent survey, only 42% of U.S. adults have estate-planning documents. I get it. Who wants to think about death? Who wants to make the hard decisions about who gets your stuff? Who wants to spend their hard-earned...

You’ve Kicked the Bucket, Now What?
You’ve just passed away. Kicked the bucket. Hit the highway to heaven. But before you made your final exit, you built a beautiful life. You left this earthly world with a lovely spouse and two great kids. You did well in your work, and you accumulated a lifetime of...